Volunteer Opportunities
If you can help, please send an email to info@2ndchance4pets.org.
Virtual Volunteer Writers are needed to help write newsletter articles, web content, press releases, fliers, brochures and a variety of promotional materials for 2nd Chance 4 Pets. Ongoing projects might also include letters and grant applications. Requires a 6 month commitment. Qualifications: Ability to respond to emails and agree to realistic deadlines. Interest in helping animals and understanding issues related to pet overpopulation. This opportunity requires strong written communication and organizational skills. Editing in MS Word using “Track Changes” is required. Flexibility in a resource-limited environment will be very helpful.
Virtual Volunteer Editors are needed to help edit/proof fliers, brochures, and a variety of other materials for 2nd Chance 4 Pets. Ongoing editing projects might include: web content, letters, press releases, grant applications, and collateral. Ideal volunteer is highly motivated and flexible. Requires a 6 month commitment. Qualifications: Ability to respond to emails and agree to realistic deadlines. Interest in helping animals and understanding issues related to pet overpopulation. The opportunity requires strong written, verbal communication, and organizational skills. Editing in MS Word using “track changes” required. Flexibility in a resource-limited environment is a must.
Virtual Volunteer Web Researchers are needed for a variety of ongoing web research projects. Ideal volunteer is proficient with web research and has the ability to respond to emails and agree to realistic deadlines. We have a variety of web research projects we need help with. Projects are ongoing and hours are flexible. Interest in helping animals and understanding issues related to pet overpopulation is beneficial. The opportunity requires strong written communication skills and organizational skills.
Virtual Volunteer Creative Designers are needed to help design infographics, banners, brochures, and a variety of promotional materials for 2nd Chance 4 Pets. Our creative projects are ongoing and hours are flexible. Qualifications: Graphic Design skills using a variety of programs. Proficiency in Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Illustrator. In this volunteer role, it would be preferred that you have extensive experience with print and/or web design, graphics production, and be familiar with relevant design and production tools (i.e. PhotoShop, Illustrator, QuarkXPress, DreamWeaver, InDesign, etc). Please submit portfolio and/or samples of your work. (1MB-2MB PDFs). Requires a 3-6 month commitment. Attention to detail, positive attitude and good time-management skills are necessary. Qualified volunteers will be able to respond to emails and meet realistic deadlines. Interest in helping animals is a plus!
Virtual Volunteer Grant Program Assistance: We are in need of experienced grant writers or grant program administrators to help with the following areas 1) Reviewing current LOIs and content used for current grant program and help modify as needed; 2) Reviewing existing research on foundations we would like to pursue in order to determine the best foundations to apply to and help develop a strategy to approach these foundations; 3) Assisting in completing new grant applications 4) Developing a 6-12 month calendar listing foundations to target and identifying applications and/or LOIs to be completed along with any other required information. The calendar should outline the applications that will be submitted each month and any special considerations for each foundation and recommendations for grant amounts to request.